Communication Action Plan [eng, ukr, rus]

This is rather proposition rather statement of the template for communication action plan implementation. Therefore I will be very glad for any kind of notes, propositions and comments on the current topic!

Наведений зразок процедури підготовки комунікації – це швидше пропозиція, ніж готова форма. Відтак, буду радий будь-яким коментарям, зауваженням та пропозиціям! [читати українською – Communication Action Plan [ukr]

Данный пример процедуры подготовки коммуникации – это скорее предложение, чем фиксированная форма. Поэтому, буду рад любым комментариям, замечаниям и предложениям! [прочитать на русском Communication Action Plan [rus]

The 5-stage Communication Action Plan:

  1. Validation:

–          actual situation of the media- and information realm analysis (media and market research);

–          audit of Organization (SWOT-analysis, communications and reputation audit).

  1. Strategy:

–          tasks and aims of communication formation;

–          basic communication channels and associated solutions specification;

–          criteria and characteristics of communication evaluation revelation;

–          closing stage of communication prediction and preparation.

  1. Content:

–          keynote idea of communication creation (slogan, image, design, etc);

–          key messages development;

–          description of the objects and subjects of communication (target audiences and groups, opinion leaders, speakers, etc);

–          definition of the “open” and “closed” information;

–          elaboration of the main topics and control over information coverage development.

  1. Communication tools and channels:

–          communication forms preferences adoption;

–          activities within framework of the main communications channels development;

–          main resources of communication preparation.

  1. Evaluation of communication:

–          timeline of activities fixation ;

–          reporting system description;

–          stages of the communication regulation and corrections identification.  

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